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The Price of Power: Confronting the Hospital Affordability Crisis

September 19, 2024. Click here for details.

Serving SEIU 32BJ Union Members and Their Families

The 32BJ Labor Industry Cooperation Trust Fund (LICF) is dedicated to containing healthcare costs, including healthcare pricing, for 32BJ members and employers in New York City and surrounding areas. We understand that the leading cause of skyrocketing healthcare costs for individuals, employers, and other payers is uncontrolled and irrational hospital pricing, which is not linked to higher quality.

At the LICF, we are leading the clarion call for hospital price transparency and accountability by dedicating resources to effect policy and other changes that lower healthcare costs. With the 32BJ Health Fund, we are committed to sustaining easy access to high-quality and lower-cost healthcare for 200,000+ union members and their families.

32BJ members along with all New Yorkers—and all Americans—deserve quality healthcare that is affordable and accessible. We are grateful to our colleagues at Patient Rights Advocate for helping us showcase the hard-working people on whose behalf we work hard.

2020 State Hospital and Healthcare Spending

Payment level required from commercial payers (expressed as a percentage of Medicare rates) to allow the hospital to cover maximum hospital expenses, with no profit, for hospital inpatient and outpatient services. Covered hospital expenses include commercial patient hospital operating costs, shortfall or coverage from public health programs, charity care and uninsured patient hospital costs, Medicare disallowed costs, and hospital Other Income and Expense.

We created this video to help employers and other healthcare purchasers determine how much they are paying for healthcare and to show them what they can do right now to reduce their hospital spend. 

Hospital Prices:

the Policy and the Practical

Healthcare spending is growing faster than both the economy and consumer prices. The key driver of healthcare inflation is surging hospital prices. Failure to address skyrocketing hospital prices in New York is not an option with the scale of lives and economies impacted.